Monday, July 28, 2014

July 7...celebrate

Monday was a great PDay. We were able to get so much accomplished, including washing our car that hasn't been washed or vacuumed in weeks. A clean car is so much more fun to get into. I also got to go see the mission doctor. Don't worry I am okay! I have been having dizzy spells and really low blood pressure so they wanted me to come in. I am doing a lot better now.

Tuesday morning I got to go get an EKG. To see if the dizzy spells was caused by my heart. But I got good news on Wednesday my heart is totally normal. Also on Tuesday we got to do exchanges. I got to go with Sister Wang in her area. It was interesting because they cover two cities that are merged together quite a bit, so it was hard to find addresses. We did a lot of finding and setting up appointments, we also had the chance to do a service project for this young mom who has cancer. I was so shocked when I walked into the house. You could hardly see an inch of their floor. The mom was up in bed and so we got right to work. I wish I could have spent hours at their house organizing and cleaning because they really needed and deserved it. We got to eat dinner at home because they didn't have a dinner appointment set. Cooking dinner was interesting because they have a microwave and a hot plate to cook with and that's it. As I was cleaning up I moved the hot plate with our realizing it was still hot. Luckily my burn went away with in a few hours. That night we switched back for one of our appointments because Sister Naef wanted to see the people they were teaching because it was most likely her last time seeing them. So I got to teach the Parramore's in my area. The twins are too cute. We talked about the plan of salvation and I was so impressed with what they knew. Then we switched back and me and Sister Wang went and contacted this guy who they are trying to work with and he wasn't home but one of  his roommates was and she wanted to talk to us. She has really been struggling and she knows that the gospel is what is going to help her. It was such a busy day and it went by so fast.

Wednesday morning I got to do more service. We went to help this lady pack who is moving to Texas in a few weeks. We didn't get to much done before we had to leave so that I could be back with Sister Coleman. Me and Sister Coleman were able to eat lunch together and go to DTM and then we had to switch and go on exchanges with another set of sisters. This time I went to the Spanish sisters area. We also did a lot of driving around like yesterday because the area is big and they only cover the Spanish people in that area. So driving from one place to another usually took a while. All the lessons that were taught were in Spanish so I was no help. At one point in the day we went to this trailer park that made me feel like I was in the middle of Mexico. Not in a bad way at all, it was just a very humble place and all the little kids that were running around were these little Hispanic kids.

Thursday we went to another district DTM and we were able to help with the training. We talked about how to effectively plan everyday so we are using the lords time wisely. After that me and Sister Coleman headed back home to eat some lunch. The rest of the day was spent contacting but we had little success because everyone went out of town for 4th of July. That evening for our dinner appointment they had us come to the ward BBQ. All day was so hot but as soon as the BBQ started this storm cloud rolled in and it got super windy and then started down pouring. Luckily their was a pavilion everyone could get under. We ended the night with a very great training for the ward mission leaders by the stake president.

Friday was such a crazy,  fun, exhausting day. I wish I could say its because we had appointments every half hour all day long, but since it was 4th of July that was not the case. We had to wake up at 5:00am just so that we could make it to the mission office by 7:00. And with all the crazy traffic and all the roads closed for the 5K and the parade it took us 45 minutes longer than expected just to find a way to the mission office. We then got carpooled over to the high school where the parade started. The parade was so much fun, just like last year everyone stood up when we came by. You could tell who was mission moms because they were all crying. The parade this year was a little more fun because I saw a lot of people I knew. Holly Taylor and her family, Brett Palmer(who served in the Kennewick mission)  Mindy Strong, Kylie Egbert, Nathan Christensen, Copa girls, and a few more. It was so cute. They Taylor girls made me cute little posters and I got a mommy hug from Holly. After the parade we were allowed to walk around for 45 minutes or so and talk to people so me and Sister headed off to see who else we could find. After a while we got super tired of walking and it was so hot out so we headed to the chapel for lunch. During lunch I showed President McCune a picture of all 6 of us Tri-cities sisters. He asked us to send it to him so he could send it to the church news. How crazy would that be if they published something about us! After lunch we headed back to Orem and we dropped by the Cornish's for a little while to talk to them about the parade. At 5:00 we were required to go to a chapel with the district. While we were there we had a member bring us dinner, it was so yummy! And we got to watch "Frozen"! Such a cute movie! I love it! After the movie we finished by playing some volleyball. When we got home we did our planning out on the porch so we could watch some fireworks for a few minutes. We got a bit of a show but there were a lot of trees in the way. It was a fun 4th but I am excited to see what next year will be like.

Saturday we did some contacting and we also had to help some sisters out that weren't getting along. So we didn't have time to do everything that we needed to do but we had time on Sunday. Saturday night we taught some really awesome lessons, they weren't awesome because of the things we said but because the spirit was there and so strong. Sister Coleman felt prompted to go stop by this one couple who she had been working with quite a but last transfer but we haven't really seen this transfer. They usually never let us in their RV (where they live) but A***  told us she was just about to light her cigarette but when she heard us knock she put it down. She invited us in and she told us about the struggles she has been having lately with falling back into addiction. We talked a lot about the atonement and that she can use it to help her. It was such a powerful lesson. She really needed the drop by and I am grateful Heavenly Father led us there.

Sunday was going to be a busy day but then one after another appointments cancelled. We were still able to get in two really great lessons. That morning we also had the opportunity to teach the young men. We talked about getting ready for a mission and what it was going to be like adjusting to the new life. The all had really good questions. After church we finally got to do our weekly planning. We have some pretty big goals set for the month and in order to reach them we need to see more people so this next week will be a busy one.

So transfers... Sister Coleman is being transferred to Springville and I am staying and getting Sister Hedley as my new companion. She is from Canada and at one point was my STL. This is going to be a new adventure and I don't know how okay I am with it all yet but I know The Lord has inspired President McCune with these calls. So yes I am now on my 15th companion. I am freaking out a little, okay a lot because I really don't know this area very well because I have spent all transfer in other sisters areas on exchanges. How in the world do you avoid being stress? AHH!
Love you all! Only two more transfers!

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