Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June 24th

It has been a super fun and crazy week. I seriously can not believe it has been 3 months already! I got my tranfer call and I am being tranferred to Orem Sunpark area and I am senior companion over a trio! Our schedules are finally filling up with lessons and it feels like we are constantly running around between Provo and Mapleton! We have met some new investigators this week because we have awesome Elders who are constantly giving us new refferals. I think the hardest thing this week is having our planner so full in the evenings and then in the day time we have almost no one to teach because they are all at work or school. My favorite part of the week was definately the baptism and then the brodcast comes in a close second. I don't have a lot of writing time sadly so this is going to be a short one. But I love you all and I hope you all caught the importance of member missionary work and I hope you take what you learned to heart!

Love, Sister Kaylynn Harrison

Monday, June 17, 2013

june 17....a week of miracles!

So this week has been truly incredible. But to start out on a fun note PDay was super fun this week. We decided that it would be fun to help me get over my fear of cows and so the Elders took us to a cow farm. I was so scared to even get close to one but I decided I was going to touch one. So yes I TOUCHED A COW! I was so scared! We also had a big water fight as a zone (cleared by the APs) and the park we did it at had the sprinklers on so we played football and kick ball in the sprinklers. This past week has been so hot!
We had some great lessons including two with our new investigators. We met them on Thursday and I could already tell that the are so ready for baptism! They are really good at asking questions because they really want to understand what they are getting themselves into. The day of our second lesson with them we got there a little early so our fellowshippers were not there yet but we went in and talked to them. Their roommate who is not a member either, started asking us questions about our missions. He asked us if we knew who we were going to marry and then jokingly told us that he wants to become mormon just so he could marry us! That's right I got proposed to on my mission. That is something I will never forget! 
On Saturday I got a call from my old companion and she said that she had someone for me to talk to. I was able to talk to George and Wendy(my investigators in Roosevelt) and they had just gotten married and George is getting baptized on July 6th! I am so happy for them. George told me that he wished I could be there for all this which just broke my heart. But I am so happy to be serving where I am now! Me and Sister Soper had a really cool experience on Sunday morning. We woke up and I was telling her about the dreams I just had and she told me that she had almost the exact same ones! That is companionship unity right there!! I was assigned to speak in one of the wards this week and I am so surprised at how well it went. I feel like I am becoming pro at public speaking! We had a house inspection this week and we got a perfect score! There has been a lot going on and I am starting to see more and more miracles occur. I love this work and I love that I have the spirit with me everyday to help lead and guide me in what I need to do for the people of the YSA 19th Stake! I was also surprised this week with 2 wonderful packages and a letter! I love getting letters because email time seems to be getting shorter! I love you all and I hope you know that this is seriously the best decision I have ever made!

june 10 ...mini missionary

I seriously can not believe that it is June 10th already! It seriously feels like I just left home! I guess time flies when you are having fun. I have been having a lot of fun this week with missionary work. We were able to do a lot of contacting this week because we have huge lists the wards have given us that they either don't know the people or they know them and know that they would benefit from hearing our message.  I have had some pretty amazing experiences this week with promptings from the spirit. A few weeks ago we found this girl who you could tell really needed the gospel in her life and she was very open to talking with us. But when we went to go visit her again she wasn't there and we remembered her saying something about moving. But we were hoping we could find someone at her old house who would be able to tell us. After a few times this week of no success I had this feeling that we should go talk to her neighbor. We explained to him our interaction in K***(his neighbor) and he told us she had just moved around the corner to her grandparent's house. So we drove over there and WE FOUND HER! I am seriously so glad I followed that prompting. We asked her if there was anything we could do for her and she actually gave us a service opportunity that we will be working on for the next week or so. I am so happy that we are going to be able to help her come closer to her Savior. I also went on exchanges this week and I was with the spanish missionaries. It was really nerve racking since I don't know any spanish. But I really prayed that I would be able to understand a least a little bit of what people were saying to me. I was very surprised when one of the investigators started bearing her testimony about prayer I was actually able to pick up on most of the story! I love this gospel so much. Not even just the big miracles but the little things make it all worth it. We had a mini missionary come out with us for 3 days and it was super fun to be an example to her and to watch her own testimony be strengthened because of missionary work. I am so grateful for the blessings I am able to see daily and I am grateful for my Savior who is there to help me when I need direction in the work. I love you all and love hearing from everyone!

~ Sister Harrison #2 (aka Kaylynn)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June 2, 2013 Missionary technology

So this week was a long but good one. It started off with a wonderful Memorial Day. My district decided to do a little bit of hiking and had a picnic. On the way back home Sis. Soper told us she had never changed a tire and so of course the Elders pulled over and decided to teach her. Monday night we had a small FHE as a district. One of the Elders kept complaining all day about wanting his hair cut so I told him I would do it. I was super nervous because I really didn't want to mess up. But I did a great job and he said he wants me to cut it for the rest of his mission. So I guess maybe I am a bit of a natural. The Elders also told us that we are some of the most awesome sisters in the mission. I was happy to hear that because I would never want to be a burden on the Elders. Tuesday was a pretty great day. We started out with a District meeting and we bore our testimonies and told why we decided to come on a mission. After DTM we went to lunch and right when we were finishing up a huge storm rolled in. By the time we got home it was pouring rain and hailing. Sister Soper had a doctors appointment on Tuesday because she thought she may have fractured her wrist. The appointment took 4 hours! It was a bit ridiculous. And her wrist isn't broken or fractured. So we get to go see a hand specialist this week. For dinner on Tuesday we got to eat with 6 or 7 YSA. And mom to answer your question, I still get fed every night. Wednesday we went down to Spanish Fork to help the Elders with a service project. So we followed them and they pulled up to a dairy farm. Yes the service project was to feed the cows! I helped scoop the grain into the truck but I would not go anywhere near the cows. I don't know why I can' t get over that fear. Then we had Zone Conference and we had an exciting announcement. Sis. Soper and I are now testing out the IPADS! President decided to tell us this news at the beginning of the conference so it was really hard paying attention to the training. But I did learn some really great stuff on how to be a better missionary. Thursday we went out contacting with one of the ward mission leaders and we had only a few people answer their doors. One of them told us that if we ever tried to come again they would turn us in for harassment. So that was a pretty interesting experience. Friday we had our IPAD training. We each have an IPAD mini and we share an Iphone. We found out that we are allowed to have a facebook account to stay connected with our investigators and we are supposed to teach lessons on them for a least an hour a day. SUPER CRAZY. I really like the convenience of the IPAD. It allows us to show Mormon messages, pull up general conference talks, and a lot more. Saturday we went out contacting with an Elders Quorum President. We could not find one of the apartments we were looking for and I had this feeling that we needed to go behind all the apartment buildings, and we found the one we were looking for. We were able to talk to this girl who is less-active and she said it was really nice hearing from us and knowing that someone cares. I love constantly having the holy ghost with me. Sunday was just a lot of meetings but it helped the fasting go by a lot faster. I am having such a great time and I can' t wait until the lessons start coming in and we are booked back to back. I know that the area has this potential. I hope every one is going to enjoy their summer and enjoy the company of one another. Maybe use the warm weather to reach out to those around you and be wonderful member missionaries. This is not a secret gospel, it is one that needs to be shared around the world. And sometimes all people need is an invite. Good luck with this challenge and I love you all!

may 27th...its been a great week!

May 27, 2013
Alright its been a great week! So we got to hang out with our new district on Monday and get to know them a little bit more. We finally have had some appointments but this stake is going to be a lot of reactivation which I am good with as long as our mission President is okay with it also. Tuesday Sister Soper and I had a super fun adventure. We decided to walk to one of our appointments because we had some free time. Sis. Soper told us we should try taking a different way to see if it was shorter. I was pretty sure that it was not going to be, but I went with it. So instead of a 2 mile walk to our appointment it turned into a 5 mile walk. It was okay because it was totally beautiful outside! Sis. Soper said that even though she was senior companion that we should probably follow my directions from now on. Super fun! Wednesday we decided to take matters into our own hands a little instead of depending so much on the ward mission leaders and we did some door to door contacting. We knock on the door of this girl and when we told her who we were she invited us in. As we were getting to know her she told us a lot about how she got into some bad stuff during her senior year of high school and after getting out of rehab she has been trying to turn her life around. She was so happy to have some one to talk to and to have a little spiritual uplifting. At institute that night we met some one else with a very similar background and he is wanting to start coming back to church too! Its so cool to see how the Lord is preparing people for us. Thursday was a pretty good day. We tried to do some more contacting but no one was home. Then we went and met this girl who is working on her mission papers. After that we came home and did a little more studying and I read the 14 day envelopes of the YW values. There was some incredible stories in there. Our dinner appointment on Thursday was super fun! The dad of the family grew up in Richland and graduated a Bomber. We got talking about people they might know and they knew the Ostler's and the Eppic's. They are actually the Eppic's cousins. After dinner we had a wonderful lesson with some one else who is trying to come back after getting into drugs. Its amazing how they can tell the difference between when God is in their life and not. Friday we attended the temple. It was funny because everyone kept asking us where we are going on our mission because there was quite a few groups from the MTC there. It was funny when we told them that we were already on our mission. When we were outside waiting for our district, Sis. Balero and Sis. Reynolds came walking out. The said they had just met two Elders going to the Salt Lake City West mission so we told them to keep their eyes open for our Elders from the Candy Mountain ward. For lunch we ate at a little restaurant called the Awful Waffle. I had an amazing crepe that was full of eggs, spinach, tomatoes, hash browns and other yummy stuff. It was the cutest little restaurant. Friday we were blessed with two lessons and they both went well. Friday night and all of Saturday I did not feel good. But I pushed through it because I knew that the Lord was on my side. Luckily I did because we were able to have two lessons and our dinner appointment was with a ward mission leader and his family. His family loved us and since we didn't have any appointments to run off to we were able to play some basketball with them. In our skirts but still fun. Sunday felt like one of the longest days ever. We headed to the stake center around 8:30 and attended 3 sacraments, and 2 meetings. So we were at the same building from 8:30 AM- 6:00 PM. talk about church attendance. But everything is going GREAT! We were struggling for awhile finding work but then the past few days we have gotten so many names we don't know what to do with them! So the Lord is truly blessing us and knows what we can handle. One of our favorite ward mission leaders was just released as an institute teacher so he is now all about missionary work. We are finding a lot of people willing to go on splits with us which is nice. I feel like a celebrity every where I go now, and it feels a little weird. But I love being in the Valley and I love working with the YSA! The couple we are living with has a son who works for the MTC and is over the IPAD experiment so he has talked to the board about getting us one soon! I hope it actually happens. Love you all and hope you have a fun summer!